Friday, December 11, 2009

How To Open Your Own Counseling Practice What Level Math Do I Need To Major In Psychology?

What level math do I need to major in Psychology? - how to open your own counseling practice

I am a high school student at the time, and I am interested in psychology at the University.

I understand that I am the graduate program in my private practice as a psychologist for advice or something open complete.

I want to what level of mathematics it for someone who is a white, psych. major.


iSpeakTh... said...

Undergrad Psych "requires" very little mathematics, because it is a mainstream social science challenges. Even the statistics taught social science bachelor's degree is very diluted. But if we are in school to be successful, you must be very comfortable with Analytical. I suggest that as many courses as you can in math, physics and related courses, as it leads not only quantitative mathematical maturity by Psych received first degree. The No. 1 reason why people leave hard-and doctoral programs in psychology and social sciences is that they are trying to understand how the field is quantitative. Meanwhile, those who asks a wealth of background analysis have what the excitement.

Megegie said...

Take it from me! If you can, you take over! Not in high school and I am now starting. Many statistics Psych

If you have further questions, please contact me ^ _ ^

swtstrbr... said...

My school does not specify the nature of mathematics degree in psychology. However, you must fulfill the Liberal Studies requirement (s) for mathematics, but tend to hit the greater selection in the class to you. Personally, I think it would be better served with a class of statistics or probability.

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